
Monday, 29 November 2010

What's to come for the PS3 in 2011

I've always owned the Playstation iterations throughout the gaming generations that I've lived through and the PS3 is no exception. I don't claim that it's better than the Xbox or has better games but I just prefer it.

That aside, I read this blog post about what exclusives are coming to the PS3 in the next year and fuck me, I'm excited. Now if I can just find a job so I can afford all of these...

I'm probably most excited about Resistance 3 and the Ico/SoC remakes. I would say I'm looking forward to The Last Guardian but that game seems so far away I don't want to mess myself up thinking about it.

Any Sony bros out there? What are you looking forward to?


  1. ou thanks 2011 will be strong year for ps3

  2. There are some good exclusives on PS3 however some just don't take my fancy, I've never really liked resistance, Mag etc so don't feel I'm missing out personally.

  3. I know it's not an exclusive, but I can't wait for the new Elder Scrolls. Too much epic to behold.

  4. 2011 is the year of Little Big Planet 2! I'm SO looking forward to that one!

  5. the ps3 is pretty cool thanks for all the support

  6. Sorry man, I've got a WII (a)

  7. xbox isnt free but it works better!

  8. Yeah man, I think people will start making games that really use the PS3's hardware.

  9. The PS3 has a serious lack of giant enemy crabs

  10. games are so expensive, i'm only gonna be able to afford a couple

  11. I am most definitely looking forward to Little Big Planet 2 early on in the year. Infamous 2 also looks incredible and the first one is one of my favorites on the PS3.

  12. Woah, perhaps it's time to get a PS3 then!
